Robert D. Auguste
( = winner )
1971 | Scientific or Technical Award (Class III). To Robert D. Auguste and Cinema Products Company for the development and introduction of a new crystal controlled lightweight motor for the 35mm motion picture Arriflex camera. |
1989 | Scientific or Technical Award (Scientific and Engineering Award). To Geoffrey H. Williamson of Wilcam Photo Research, Incorporated, for the design and development, and to Robert D. Auguste for the electronic design and development of the Wilcam W-7 200 frames-per-second VistaVision Rotating Mirror Reflex Camera. |
1992 | Scientific and Technical Award (Scientific and Engineering Award). To Douglas Trumbull for the concept; Geoffrey H. Williamson for the movement design; Robert D. Auguste for the electronic design and Edmund M. DiGiulio for the camera system design of the CP-65 Showscan Camera System for 65mm motion picture photography. |
3 Nominations